Success is a funny word.
Everyone’s definition of success seems different and that definition
seems to grow as we grow as individuals. Rarely, do I come across a person who
would call themselves a success. We might raise the bar or change our
definition based on hard learned lessons, so celebrating success often evades
But, isn’t a step in the right direction a reason to
celebrate? If 10 weeks of working out is a goal, is the tenth workout the only
reason to celebrate? Each successful week of working out your physical body is
a huge reason to celebrate! Everyone who values their health knows to take care
of it physically, mentally and chemically by what they eat and breath, but
caring for all of these aspects of health is a challenge. If working out is your challenge then each
week of successfully working out is a huge reason to celebrate. Every time you
respond well to working out and are an encouragement to others is one of the
biggest reasons to celebrate.
My point is that we often glide right past many
opportunities to celebrate success. Celebrating is simply another way we can be
thankful and grateful for what has just happened in our lives or the life of
someone we care about. Basically, celebrating is a public declaration of our
gratitude. And why wouldn’t we all want to be a walking billboard for gratitude?
We have learned over and over that attracting
great health and success is all about experiencing and expressing gratitude.