Tuesday, October 28, 2014

When Do You Celebrate Your Successes?

Success is a funny word.  Everyone’s definition of success seems different and that definition seems to grow as we grow as individuals. Rarely, do I come across a person who would call themselves a success. We might raise the bar or change our definition based on hard learned lessons, so celebrating success often evades us. 

But, isn’t a step in the right direction a reason to celebrate? If 10 weeks of working out is a goal, is the tenth workout the only reason to celebrate? Each successful week of working out your physical body is a huge reason to celebrate! Everyone who values their health knows to take care of it physically, mentally and chemically by what they eat and breath, but caring for all of these aspects of health is a challenge.  If working out is your challenge then each week of successfully working out is a huge reason to celebrate. Every time you respond well to working out and are an encouragement to others is one of the biggest reasons to celebrate.

My point is that we often glide right past many opportunities to celebrate success. Celebrating is simply another way we can be thankful and grateful for what has just happened in our lives or the life of someone we care about. Basically, celebrating is a public declaration of our gratitude. And why wouldn’t we all want to be a walking billboard for gratitude?  We have learned over and over that attracting great health and success is all about experiencing and expressing gratitude.

So let’s declare gratitude and celebrate success at every opportunity. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Speed of Forgiveness

The idea for this blog entry came to me because, on television,  I saw a woman who hugged her daughter’s killer in a court room and asked the judge for leniency in his sentencing.  I was so moved by her choices.  I'm pretty good at forgiving, but sometimes I don't forgive in a timely fashion. Too often I wait and make sure that I am good and ready to forgive. I wait until I’ve already gone through feelings of anger and frustration and then the idea of forgiveness comes to light. I doubt that this delay in getting to forgiveness is really what our mentors had in mind when they taught us about forgiveness.

On the other hand, I can be really quick to accept an apology, but I still want to hang onto the negative feeling for a while. My kind wife, Julie, has always taught our family and her others who ask that when you ask for forgiveness, it is also your responsibility to change the feeling of the situation back to a positive feeling. I agree with her, and I believe there has to be a complete shift of mind, body and spirit. You can express verbally the apology, then you need to express physically a change in your feelings, and finally you have to avoid judging the person or revisiting the negative experience.

How many times do we hear the “I’m sorry” and accept it, but there is no shift in the energy? Consider this. A smile or a hug is always a great outward physical sign that your apology is accepted completely. I understand that some people do not want to admit fault, let alone ask for forgiveness. Completely going though the steps of forgiveness must result in a shift in your emotional and physical state.  If not, negativity boomerangs back into your relationship.  Remember, the goal is a change in you and making yourself more balanced again.

I have sincerely apologized and changed the tone of the interaction positively more times than I could possibly count, and let me admit to you that if you hurt someone or are hurt yourself by someone else’s actions, the sooner you can change the situation the easier it is to shift the feelings completely. So how fast can you go through the steps of forgiveness and yield a positive feeling? No matter how good you are at it now, I bet you can get better. Let’s race to forgiveness together! This is a competition worth winning.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Power through Truth and Love

I am at my best when I actually practice what I preach. Whenever I need an expert opinion, I look for someone who has accomplished what I want to accomplish. So, many claim to be expert, but when you dig deep, you find out that they are learning and not actually doing what they’re giving opinions about.  Would you make a recipe for a crowd from someone who hasn’t made it many times or would you take investment advice from a person how hasn’t made money in the investment that they are recommending? I wouldn’t.
So, to be you’re BEST you must choose to live by healthy principles the six essentials of health and get regular wellness treatments.  The six essentials are listed with a short description of each following this blog.  An online special for your first wellness treatment in our office is at jcchiropractic.com   If you are not healthy yet, be honest with yourself and others and tell them that you are on the journey back to health. Get whole health treatment to restore your health. Share your struggles and your victories! You will come from a place of integrity.

To share health you have to be healthy. When you are tired and run down, you cannot possibly share positively with others. I learned this lesson with my personal emotions. I used to feel it was bad to love myself. I felt it was selfish to be happy. Then I realized that if I do not love myself, I cannot whole heartedly love others. If I am not happy, then I cannot coach others through stressful times to find joy and happiness. To understand this more fully, think of giving money instead of giving love or peacefulness. If you ask to borrow $20 from me and I only have $10, how could I ever loan you what you need.

Everyone can improve by being a constant student. You can never know it all or understand it all. Constantly fill your knowledge bank. Regularly read health related books to know your body better and to seek truth. People see and resonate with truth. That is why my mentor, Dr. M. T. Morter always was in search of truth and many were drawn to him. For example, two weeks ago I participated in a health fair. I scanned participants with the CardioWave and told each person what we could do together to improve their current situation. In four short hours, we scanned almost 50 people. Everyone wanted to be scanned, even the other vendors. People called their friends and family to come to the health fair and get scanned. We constantly had a line waiting to be scanned and talk about getting healthier.

I share this story so that you all know how powerful it is to serve from a position of truth and love. We have to make it our personal responsibility to share our truth in every small and big way that is presented to us. Do your BEST and that will always be enough!

6 Essentials to Health

1. Evaluate what you eat.
There are two kinds of foods — acid and alkaline. Your body was designed to function in an alkaline state, which requires alkaline foods — mostly fruits and vegetables. Eating too much of the acid foods makes your body acid, causing acute physical stress.
2. Evaluate what you drink.
Your body is mostly water and needs water as its primary liquid. Since your body was designed to regulate itself internally, drinking external stimulants puts added stress on your body and interferes with the regulation of blood sugar.
3. Evaluate how you exercise.
Your body needs exercise that increases your heart rate, promotes muscle activity and aids neurological integration, so your body works as it was designed. Excellent exercises that achieve all three are swimming or walking correctly.
4.  Evaluate how you rest.
Adequate, uninterrupted sleep each night is essential for cell repair. If you eat large meals too close to bedtime or drink the wrong liquids throughout the day, you over-stimulate your body. This makes uninterrupted, restful, repairing sleep difficult.
5. Evaluate how and what you breathe.
How — correct breathing is important because it activates the diaphragm in a manner in which it was designed, which augments heart action. Correct breathing helps rebalance the autonomic nervous system.
What — if you can smell the air you breathe, it's stressful. While the toxins in your food and liquids are cleaned by the liver before entering the bloodstream, the toxins you breathe — from smoking or living/working in a smoke/smog–filled environment, go directly into your bloodstream.
6. Evaluate what you think about.
What you think about affects your body. Think about a lemon and your mouth fills with saliva. If you are angry or in fear, your body is as uptight as if you were fighting a tiger. If you worry, your nervous system triggers more acid in your stomach even if you have nothing in your stomach — producing indigestion and ulcers. And most of these physically harmful feelings come from replaying the past


Monday, May 12, 2014

Are You Willing to Go the Distance?

I recently finished the Country Music Marathon in Nashville Tennessee.  I've learned that running that far is really a battle of will more than a battle of physical endurance.  Repeatedly motivating yourself is what keeps you going.  If you decide to stop running, starting again can feel almost impossible. 

I bring this up, because I'm also learning that life feels like a marathon.  In life, if you keep moving forward, and hopefully in a positive direction, you find yourself achieving your goals and feeling happy.  Like the aid stations in a marathon, classes, seminars, nutritional supplements, books, and coaching can help you on life's journey.  But the biggest factor, I've realized, is simply to keep moving, to keep moving forward.  A wise, older member of my family likes to say, "Do something, anything, even if it's wrong."  Of course we don't want to do something wrong, but I think the lesson is that the chance of doing something wrong is so much less than the harm that's done by doing nothing at all.  What's important is to do something, to create energy, to keep moving toward that goal. 

I recently met with several members of Morter Health Systems at an Elite Mastery Seminar.  I heard a common phase during the three days we met together, "I'm planning on...." It struck me that we all spend a lot of time "planning."  If we have the plan, shouldn't we spend less time revising, talking or mulling it over and more time doing?  Just as planning and training are important to a marathon, sooner or later it's time to line up and run!

I encourage you to wrap up your plan on your next goal and take some action steps.  If your goal is to feel more energy, spend more time on yourself, walk a 5K, better manage your money, feel closer to a family member or sleep better, you can quickly devise a plan and then take one or two action steps.  "Log some miles" as runners say. 

Ask yourself, "What can I do right now to move myself closer to my chief aim?" Take an action step today.  Get moving on your path to be a better you, a person of action.  I would love to support you in your actions, so please email me today at jenningschiropractic@yahoo.com and share your progress or ask questions.  Progress is what it's all about.  It's not a race, it's a run, and we're in it together. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Meet Jennings County Chiropractic

I recently bought a car that has a tire pressure warning light. When one of my tires gets too low, a light comes on, and I know to check the tires. Once, I found a nail in one of the tires. Most of the time though, one of the tires just needs some extra air pressure. In the short time that I have owned the car, it surprises me how often I need to add air to one or more of the tires. This got me thinking about how often I must have been driving on under inflated tires in my previous vehicles. Now, I am thankful to have that indicator light to get maximum fuel economy and tire wear.  


What does tire pressure have to do with balance in your life?  It’s the lesson that I learned from this experience. I now wonder how often I am out of balance and do I have a standard to check if I’m in balance? It is hard to get balanced, if you have no criteria to get there.


How often have you felt “pretty good” then you get a Bio Energy Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) treatment at Jennings County Chiropractic and afterward you feel great! For me, this happens most of the time! That is the power of what we do.  We can help a person feeling good, feel even better. My ideal practice member is a person who wants to get balanced and stay as balanced as possible.  


But, how do you really know that you are balanced? That is the BIG question on my mind! Do you just go by how you feel? No, that doesn’t work because your body is designed to compensate for all of its imbalances. So, you could be feeling good and still be out of balance. Should you just wait until something goes wrong and fix it? Well, that is the current medical model, and it’s failing.  We spend more on health care than any other county, and we are still one of the unhealthiest populations on Earth. I think you get the picture, there needs to be a better way to check in on our health and wellbeing.


The good news is that there is an awesome, non-invasive, short test that can do just that. It checks in on your health so that you can get balanced and maintain balance in your life. How do you know if your current lifestyle is working, if you do not have a measuring stick?  We don’t have warning lights on our bodies, but we do have many indications that we can check to monitor our health progress or decline.


A tool that I have found to have profound benefits for you is the CardioWave Analysis. In a short 3-5 minute test you can monitor: heart rate, heart rate variability, abnormal heart beats, mental stress, physical stress, stress resistance, autonomic nervous system balance, blood flow, arterial elasticity, heart contraction, overall health status, endocrine system balance and electrical energy flow of the body. With all of this information, you have a great tool to monitor progress, lack of progress, or decline in your health. This is important information to know!

There are many potential benefits of the CardioWave Analysis. You will be surprised at the findings and potential benefits.  Call Lisa at 812.346.4181 to schedule your CardioWave Analysis.